Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Back on the bandwagon

Well it's a new year and much has happened since these previous posts. Two things in particular: All the agony and stress in the saga to get all my library instruction podcasts posted and working is gone (for the most part). I'm now using Camtasia 4.0 to create the audio+PPT files (M4V) and then uploading them to my podomatic site: and they are working beautifully! podOmatic is an unbelievable service - they "tweak" the M4V files somehow, do all the RSS updating and even host the files. So both the vodcasts and podcasts are linked there and I can then check all kinds of usage statistics. I went ahead and signed up for the $10/month service to avoid any advertising on my site. But it's free otherwise. So podOmatic - you are right up there with JetBlue, priceline, and Interlibrary Loan in making my life more enjoyable. Keep up the good work.